Islam has a distinct identity and culture. Which is why it has a different calendar based on lunar dates. So, although it is fine for Muslims to follow the Gregorian calendar for their day-to-day affairs, the Islamic Hijri Calendar must be preserved because it is used to determine Islam’s key prayers, rituals, and events like Ashra e Zil Hajj, Ashura, Ramadan, etc.
The Islamic New Year begins with the month of Muharram. In 2023, the new Islamic Year 1445 will commence on 18 July 2023 in Saudi Arabia. In other countries, the Islamic New Year will begin according to their lunar dates (one day earlier or later).
So, what should a Muslim do to celebrate the Islamic New Year? Should we even celebrate it at all?
In this article, we’ll share the Dua of the Islamic New Year and share the opinion of scholars about celebrating it.
Let’s get started.
Islamic New Year Dua In Arabic Hadith
Like everything else, Islam teaches us to welcome new months and years by praying to Allah SWT.
This is why several traditions by the companions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ mention that they used to recite the following dua upon seeing the moon for every new month, including the moon for the new year month of Muharram.
اللَّهُمَّ أَدْخِلْهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالْأَمْنِ وَالْإِيمَانِ ، وَالسَّلَامَةِ وَالْإِسْلَامِ ، وَرِضْوَانٍ مِنَ الرَّحْمَنِ ، وَجِوَارٍ مِنَ الشَّيْطَانِ
(باب مایقول اذا رأى مایعجبہ،ج:10،ص:139،ط:مکتبۃ القدسی،القاھرہ)
This dua is not specific to the Islamic New Year and should be read upon seeing the moon for every new month in the Islamic calendar.

Here’s how to read the Dua for Islamic New Year.
Allahumma Adkhilhu Alaeena Bil Amni Wal Eemaani Wassalaamati Wal Islami, Wa Rizwaanim Minar Rahmani Wa Jiwaarim Minash Shaeetawn
English Translation
Here’s the English translation of the Islamic New Year Dua.
“O Allah! Make us enter this new month (or year) with peace, faith, prosperity, and Islam, and with the pleasure of the All-Merciful and with protection from Devil.”
Islamic New Year Dua In Urdu/ Hindi (Roman)
Here’s the Urdu/Hindi translation of the Dua for Islamic New Year in Roman English.
“Aay Allah Is Chand Ko Hamaray Upar Aman, Eemaan, Salamti, Aur Islam Kay Sath, Aur Rahman Ki Razamandi Aur Shaitan Kay Bachao Kay Sath Dakhil Farma.”
Should We Celebrate Islamic New Year?
There’s no evidence of Rasoolullah ﷺ or his Sahaba specifically celebrating the Islamic New Year or encouraging each other to do so.
However, the Dua we’ve mentioned in this article is backed by several traditions, and Sahaba used to recite upon seeing the moon for every new month, including Muharram, the first month of the new year.
So, reading this dua upon seeing the moon of Muharram, the start of the Islamic Year is correct.
But we should not consider celebrating the Islamic New Year as a Sunnah.
Instead, if we wish each other with the intention of reviving the Islamic calendar, which many Muslims have abandoned, and spreading awareness about the Hijri dates, there’s no harm in wishing the Islamic New Year.
However, we do not celebrate the Islamic New Year like nonbelievers. Instead of wasting money on fireworks and other gimmicks, a Muslim starts the new Islamic Year by reflecting upon his past year, identifying his mistakes, and making a strong intention and plan to rectify them in the coming year.
There’s nothing more to this event than self-assessment.