The first Ashra of Ramadan (its first ten days) is called Ashra e Rehmat. It marks the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan, which brings numerous blessings from Allah SWT.
In this article, we’ll learn the dua we should read in the first Ashra of Ramadan.
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Dua For The First Ashra Of Ramadan In Arabic
Here’s the Arabic text of the dua for the first ten days of Ramadan.
رَبِّ اغْفِرْ وَارْحَمْ وَأَنْتَ خَيْرُ الرَّاحِمِينَ

Here’s an recitation of this dua to help you understand its correct pronunciation in Arabic.
Here’s how you should pronounce this dua.
Rabbighfir WarHam Wa Annta Khaeerur Rawhimeen
Pehle Ashre Ki Dua Urdu Translation
Ramadan ke pehle ashre ki dua ka Urdu translation ye hai.
Aay Mere Rab, Meri Maghfirat Farma, Aur Mujh Par Rehem Farma, Aur Aap Sab Se Ziada Rehem Farmanay Walay Hain
English Translation
Here’s the English translation of this dua.
“Oh My Lord, forgive me, have mercy on me, and you’re the most merciful”
Why Is The First Ramadan Ashra Called Ashra e Rehmat?
The first ten days of Ramadan are called the Ashra e Rehmat because Rasoolullahﷺ said that the first ten days of Ramadan are full of Allah’s mercy.
This doesn’t mean that Allah is not merciful for the rest of the days of this month. But the Prophet declared mercy as the theme of these first ten days so that Muslims ask for Allah’s forgiveness as much as they can.
Another reason for calling these days of mercy is that when Muslims ask Allah’s forgiveness at the beginning of Ramadan, they will be washed of their sins and can make the most of the remaining days of this month.
What To Do In The First Ashra Of Ramadan?
Rasoolullah ﷺ said that Muslims should frequently ask Allah’s forgiveness and mercy in the first ten days of Ramadan.
He mentioned that every Muslim should ask Allah for a place in Jannatul Firdous (the highest rank in heaven) and protection from hellfire.
So, to make the most of this ashra, do the following.
- Start this month by forgiving anyone who has ever hurt you. Clear your heart of all grudges and clean it for Allah SWT.
- Be regular in all your Ramadan fasts.
- Offer Taraweeh every night after Isha prayers
- Offer Tahajjud prayers when you wake up to eat Sehri.
- Frequently recite the dua of the first ashra of Ramadan.
- Recite the Holy Quran every day and understand its meaning.
- Give charity (even if it’s small) to seek Allah’s mercy and pleasure.
- Stay away from sins so that Allah SWT showers his mercy on you.
May Allah SWT grant us all the blessings of the first ashra of Ramadan.