Pornography and Zina (adultery) are two of the most prevalent sins in the world today. Unfortunately, many Muslim men and even some women are involved in these major sins.
Porn addiction, in particular, has become a serious problem among Muslim men (even those who are married).
We’ve already written articles about the steps you should take to heal porn addiction.
But our intentions and efforts can’t bear any fruits until we seek Allah SWT’s help.
So, in this article, we’ll share some Duas from the Quran and Hadith to protect you from Zina and stop porn addiction.
Please share this with your friends and family as sadqa e jariyah.
Dua For Protection From Porn Addiction And Sexual Urges
This is one of the most beautiful Duas for Muslims to protect themselves from pornography addiction and all unlawful sexual desires.
And it has a very interesting background that I’ll explain after I tell you the dua.

اَللّٰهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِيْ ذَنْبِيْ، وَ طَهِّرْ قَلْبِيْ، وَ حَصِّنْ فَرْجِيْ مِنَ الْفَوَاحِشِ
Allahummaghfir Lee Zambee, Wa Tah’hir Qalbi, Wa Hassin Farji Minal Fawahish
English Translation
“O Allah forgive my sins, purify my heart, and protect my private parts from obscenity”
Urdu/Hindi Translation
Aay Allah Mere Gunah Muaaf Farma, Mere Dil Ko Paak Farma, Aur Meri Sharamgaah Ko Fahashi Se Mehfooz Farma
How To Stop Watching Bad Videos Islamically: Lesson From The Prophet’s Life
Pornography did not exist in the times of Prophet Muhammad. But people still had sexual desires.
Many people used to come to Prophet Muhammad complaining about their sexual desires and how they were attracted to Zina. The Prophet encouraged them to protect their gaze and get married early.
But some people did not have the resources to get married. For them, the Prophet used to recommend consecutive fasting (30+ days) even outside Ramadan.
Fasting is especially beneficial. If you fast during the month of Ramadan, you must’ve noticed that your sexual desires get subdued after 10-15 days of fasting.
So, in this age, if someone is struggling to control their Nafs from watching bad videos Islamically, they should try the following remedies.
- Control their gaze and stay away from sexual content.
- Get married quickly and fulfill their sexual desires the halal way.
- If they do not have the means to get married, remove meat from their diet and fast consecutively (with light Iftar)
With respect to the Dua we’ve shared in this article, there’s an eye-opening event from hadith that will help anyone addicted to porn or watching bad videos on the internet.
Here’s how it goes.
Once a young man came to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and said I’m struggling with sexual desires and want to commit Zina with a woman. Please give me permission.
The Prophet did not scold him.
Instead, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ asked him if he would like it if someone asked permission to commit Zina with his mother, sister, or daughter.
That young man said not at all, I cannot even bear the thought.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ told him that if he committed Zina with a woman, she would be someone’s daughter, wife, or sister.
So, how could he want this for someone else? Then Prophet Muhammad ﷺ put his hand on that young man’s chest and asked Allah the following Dua.
“O Allah, forgive him, cleanse his heart, and protect his private parts from unlawful acts” (Source)
After this incident, that young man’s heart completely changed, and his heart was cleansed from unlawful sexual desires.
So, as you can see, you can consider this the perfect porn addiction dua if you feel the same urges and want to get rid of this habit.
Dua To Cure Porn Addiction And Zina
Another dua to seek protection from Porn addiction and Zina is from the Holy Quran. Prophet Nuh recited this Dua when he was overwhelmed by his nation, who did not listen to his message despite all his efforts.
So, when he saw that he was helpless, he reached out to Allah SWT and said
رَبِّ اَنِّيْ مَغْلُوْبٌ فَانْتَصِرْ
Rabbi Anni Maghloobun Fantasir
English Translation:
O My Rabb (Lord), I’m completely helpless (and defeated), please help me.
Urdu/Hindi Tranlsation:
Aay Mere Rab, Main Maghloob Ho Chuka Hu (Aur Bay Bus Hu) Meri Madad Farma.
Prophet Nuh begged for Allah’s help when he was helpless against his nation.
A porn addict or someone who cannot stop himself from the urges of Zina also feels helpless. So, this dua perfectly reflects their feelings and is the perfect prayer to ask for Allah’s help against this addiction.
Dua For Protection Against Watching Internet Porn And All Sins
Here’s another beautiful Dua for all Muslim porn addicts struggling to leave this menace. If you can’t help yourself watching internet porn, seek Allah’s help.
اللَّهُمَّ ارْحَمْنِي بِتَرْكِ الْمَعَاصِي ولاَ تُشقِنِیِ بِمَعصِیَتِک
Allahummar Hamnee Bi Tarkil Ma’asi Wala Tushqini Bi Ma’siyatik
English Translation
O Allah, Grant Me Your Mercy To Abandon Sins And Do Not Make Me Wretched As A Result Of Your Disobedience. (Source)
Urdu/Hindi Translation
Aay Allah Mujh Par Apni Woh Rehmat Nazil Farma Jis Se Main Gunah Chor Du Aur Mujhay Mere Gunaho Ki Nahoosat Ki Waja Se Bad Bakht Autr Na Murad Na Farma
Dua To Stop Watching Bad Things And Leave Sins
Here’s another beautiful Dua to ask Allah SWT’s protection, stop watching bad things on the internet, and everything that leads to it.
اَللّٰهُمَّ بَاعِدْ بَيْنِي وَبَيْنَ خَطَايَاىَ كَمَا بَاعَدْتَ بَيْنَ الْمَشْرِقِ وَالْمَغْرِبِ
Allahumma Ba’id Baeeni Wa Baeena Khatayaya Kama Ba’Atta Baeenal Mashriqi Wal Maghrib
English Translation
O Allah put distance between me and my sins as much as the distance between East and West.
Urdu/Hindi Translation
Aay Allah Mere Aur Mere Gunaho Ke Darmiyan Itna Fasla Karday Jese Mashriq Aur Maghrib Ke Darmiyan Hai
Is Dua Enough To Quit Porn Addiction And Protect You From Sins?
No, but it’s the first and the most crucial step.
Dua means to seek Allah’s help, without which nothing is possible.
So, if you’re a teenager, a grown-up man, or even a married person struggling with pornography, don’t lose hope.
Frequently recite these duas throughout the day, especially at the time of Tahajjud, and seek Allah SWT’s help to overcome your desires.
Read Salatul Hajat, recite Durood Sharif, and make Astaghfar a constant on your tongue.
Plus, take concrete steps to stay away from nudity, obscenity, and everything that leads to pornography and Zina.
Insha Allah, with constant effort and Dua, you will overcome this one day.
Till then, keep trying because this struggle will be rewarded on the day of judgment insha Allah.