Ramadan is the most blessed month of the Islamic calendar in which Allah’s mercy is like continuous and uninterrupted heavy rain. But unfortunately, we often fail to fully benefit from it due to a lack of preparation.
But Alhamdulillah, you’re reading this article which means you want to prepare for this year’s Ramadan and make it a lifechanging month of your life insha Allah.
So, in this article, we’ll share the crux of the advice from different scholars on the best way to prepare for Ramadan and how our beloved Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and his companions used to greet this virtuous month.
Why Preparing For Ramadan Is Important?
We’re all so caught up in our daily lives that we hardly get time to reflect on our spiritual state and relationship with Allah.
And even when we do it, our circumstances often force us to compromise and look the other way.
But Ramadan is the time of the year when we can bring sustainable change in our lifestyle because it comes with an air of spirituality that softens our hearts and allows us to think deeply about the direction of our lives.
However, this is only possible if we prepare for Ramadan in advance.
Because when you enter this month without preparation, it passes so fast, you hardly get any time to plan or change your ways.
So, the best time to prepare for Ramadan is today. Make the most of it.
How Did The Prophet ﷺ And Sahaba Prepare For This Holy Month?
Rasoolullah ﷺ lived the perfect life, and every moment of his existence was spent in Allah’s obedience.
Yet, as soon as the month of Rajab started, the Prophet used to start looking forward to Ramadan.

He used to fast excessively in the month of Rajab and the first half of Shabaan to get used to consistent fasting and to encourage his companions to prepare for Ramadan.
In the final days of Shabaan, the Prophet stopped fasting to gain energy for Ramadan.
Plus, in the last half of Shabaan, the Prophet used to describe the glory of Ramadan and what a virtuous month it is, to create excitement among the Sahaba.
Following the footsteps of the Prophet and his companions, most scholars and pious elders of this Ummah start their Ramadan preparations from Rajab (almost 60 days before Ramadan).
Ways To Prepare Spiritually And Physically For The Month Of Ramadan
As Muslims, we should get excited for Ramadan as soon as Rajab starts. This is the time to plan for Ramadan and make all the necessary preparations to spend this month with complete devotion.
The better you plan, the more benefit you can get from Ramadan.
Just like Muslim businessmen and traders, who start filling up stocks and creating products to meet the increased customer demands in Ramadan.
So, how exactly can you prepare for Ramadan? Here are a few tips.
1. Make Dua At The Start Of Rajab
When Rajab starts, make dua to reach Ramadan after every Fardh prayer.
Why? Because Ramadan is such a huge blessing that anyone who passes away before this month would miss out on its virtues.
So, plead with Allah SWT to grant you another Ramadan in complete health and afiyah, and help you make the most of it
2. Protect Yourself From Sins In Rajab and Shabaan
Scholars say that the way you spend the months of Rajab and Shabaan has a direct impact on your Ramadan.
So, if you keep sinning during Rajab and Shaban, you will waste Ramadan as well because your soul will be so filthy that it won’t be attracted to the virtues of Ramadan.
But if you adopt taqwa (fear of Allah) and stop yourself from sinning during these two months before Ramadan, it will purify your soul and allow you to make the most of this month.
This is particularly true for any brothers or sisters addicted to pornography or any other modern-day sins.
Please, try your best to stay away from these sins during Rajab and Shaban. If you do that, Allah will help you spend a pious Ramadan and get rid of these addictions for good.
3. Get Regular In Your Namaz
If you’re lazy with your prayers or offer them individually, it’s time to buckle up and get regular.
Ramadan is a roller coaster ride with one prayer after the other, along with Taraweeh and Qiyam ul Layl.
If you don’t get used to regular prayers, you will struggle to keep up with Ramadan’s pace.
So, start by offering 5-time prayers in your nearest mosque.
4. Recite the Holy Quran Every Day
Ramadan is the month of Quran.
This is why reciting the Holy Quran and spending time understanding its message is the best thing you can do during Ramadan.
But to be able to do that, you must build momentum from Rajab.
If you don’t know how to recite the Quran with Tarteel (correct pronunciation and rules), start seeing a Qari in your nearest mosque and fix your recitation before Ramadan.
Make a habit of reading the Holy Quran 10 minutes every day at a fixed time (for example, after Fajr or Asr).
Then, as you get closer to Ramadan, increase this time to 20 minutes or multiple 10 minute slots per day.
So, when you finally reach Ramadan, aim to spend at least 2 hours per day reciting and studying the meaning of the Holy Quran.
5. Fast In Ayyam e Beez (the White Days)
The 13th, 14th, and 15th of every Islamic month are called Ayyam e Beez or the White Days.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ used to fast on the White Days of every Ismaic month. So, if you don’t fast regularly, fasting on Ayyam e Beez is a great way to get in the groove.
These are nafil fasts that aren’t obligatory.
But they will help you get used to the routines in Ramadana and give you a sense of how to spend your time in the coming month.
6. Make Your Ramadan Schedule
Ramadan dramatically changes our sleeping times and forces us to reconsider our daily habits. So, to make the most of this month, you must find the best schedule that helps you pray as much as possible while doing your worldly duties as well.
For example, fix your recitation time, sleeping time, and studying time. Similarly, if Allah SWT has given you the resources, perform Umrah in Ramadan becuase the reward of Umrah in Ramadan is equal to Hajj.
Here’s the schedule that works for me in Ramadan.
- Wake up in Tahajjud an hour before Sehri time.
- Offer Tahajjud namaz and make dua
- Eat Sehri
- Go to the mosque to offer Fajr prayers
- Read the Quran for 40 minutes
- Zikr for 20 minutes
- Offer Ishraq
- Get back home and sleep for an hour.
- Get up and go to work.
- 5-10 minute Zikr after Zuhr prayers.
- Get back from work before Asr prayers
- Rest for 30-40 minutes
- Go to the mosque for Asr prayers
- Recite the Holy Quran
- Make Dua for 10-15 minutes
- Get back to my home for Iftar with family
- Offer Maghrib prayers.
- Offer Awwabeen prayers after Maghrib
- Get back home and rest till Isha.
- Get up and make Wuzu for Isha and Taraweeh
- Offer Isha and Taraweeh in the mosque
- Get back home and eat a little.
- Go to sleep as soon as possible.
That’s usually my routine in Ramadan. There’s no perfect timetable that suits everyone. So, find the routine that works for you.
But the important thing to remember is that you should make space and time for as much prayer as possible.
Because that is the essence of Ramadan.
7. Set Targets
Setting targets for Ramadan is very important.
Why? Because Ramadan is like a training camp that prepares us for a life of obedience towards Allah SWT.
So, we must have targets for this training camp.
For example, here are some sample targets.
- Read at least 2 Para (Juzz) of the Quran every day
- Offer all prayers in the mosque with the congregation
- Stop watching television, Netflix, or any kind of movie on YouTube or digital channels for one month.
- Get away from social media for at least this month
- Minimize smartphone usage to only the bare minimum.
- Control your tongue from useless talk and spend more time in Zikr.
- Control your eyes from looking at the opposite gender (na mahram)
These are just some examples.
You can extend this list as well. But the point is to give yourself some targets for Ramdaan so that you have a sense of purpose and can track your progress at the end of the month.
Ramzan Ki Taiyari Kese Kare?
Ramzan ul Mubarak ALlah Taala ki taraf se aisa azeem ush shaan maheena hai ke har musalman ko iski amad ka intizar rehta hai.
Lekin agar iski sahi qadar karni hai to hamay pehle se Iski Taiyari karna hogi.
Ramazan ki Tayyari kese karain? Ye kuch tareeqay hain
- Allah Taala se Rajab shuru hotay hi Ramzan take ponhcne ki dua shuru kardain.
- Rajab aur Shaban ke doran gunaho se bachne ka bohat ehtimam karain.
- Rajab aur Shaban main rozay rahay khaas tor par Ayyam e Beez yani 13, 14, aur 15 tareekh ke.
- Rajab aur Shaban ke doran rozana kam az kam 10 minute Quran e Kareem ki tiaqat ka mamool rakhay.
- Ramazan ke liye apna time table banae takay apko pata ho ke kis waqt ibadat karni ai aur kis waqt aram ya apne kaam karna hain
- Ramazan ke liye apne targets set karain yani kitna quran parhna, kon kon se gunaho se bachna hai, kitni namaz parhni hai waghera. Jitne azhay target set karengay Ramazan utna hi acha guzray ga insha Allah.
- Koshish kare ke Ramazan ke akhri ashray ka itikaf kar lain. Lekin uske liye apko pehle se chutti lena hogi aur apne kamo ko organize karna parega
Allah Taala hum sab ko is Mubarak maheenay kikhoob qadar karne ki tofeeq ata farmae.